Breast cancer is the most frequent form of cancer for women. One out of every eight women will have breast cancer during her life. At present the survival rate is nearly 90% thanks to early detection programmes and to treatments which have been improving over the years and have been more personalised and less aggressive.
Early diagnosis methods:
- 1. Annual MAMMOGRAM when over 40 years of age.
- 2. MAMMARY ULTRASOUND when suspicious images are found in the mammogram or a lump when palpating.
- 3. MAGNETIC RESONANCE and annual mammogram for women who are specifically high risk.
Magnetic Resonance is the technique indicated when there are suspicions of an intracapsular fracture of the implant. This is the first sign of wear in the prosthesis, prior to extracapsular fracture (the free escape of silicone) which means the implant has to be replaced.
The ultrasound can detect extracapsular fractures, whilst magnetic resonance would detect the intracapsular fractures. Examination of the mammary prostheses by MRI would be recommended at least once every five years.